Volunteering in South Africa to Surf With Disadvantaged Children

If you have a penchant for surfing, club your love for adventure holiday with volunteer work in South Africa, teaching disadvantaged kids from impoverished neighborhood. South Africa came out of apartheid era in 1990s. Though, there is no longer an official discrimination line; pockets of South Africa still lag behind their white counterparts. Years of neglect and indifference has its roots running deep. In the post-apartheid South Africa, unemployment rate runs high as does poverty and malnourishment.

Tough for the kids! For kids in this situation are often deprived of recreational exercises which help in personality building. With no access to good sporting club or facilities in the town, children are left with not many options. Volunteering Solutions Surf project is an ideal place for these kids. With surfing, children are kept off streets, and taught an activity, which can be a game changer for them. The program is run after school hours for 3-5 days a week before sunset.

What do we do in spare time? Volunteers can help out in other club activities during the morning hours. Or teach English in school. Club also has other activities of which volunteers can partake of. A must have skill for this program is swimming. Before teaching the kids how to surf, volunteers need to master the ABC's of surfing. Since water can be treacherous at times, we advise our volunteers to exercise extreme caution. Weekends are completely at the volunteer's leisure to discover the rest of South Africa. Since the program is located in cape town, there are number of attractions and activities nearby to occupy the time.

Why in South Africa?

*Mega diverse country - South Africa has deserts, wetlands, mountains, subtropical forests, escarpments, grasslands, plateaus, bush, and around 9,600 plant species, of which 70% are not found anywhere else in the world.

*Krueger National Park famous for safaris and awesome wildlife

*Cape town - entry point of first European merchants, home to Cape of good hope and world's oldest mountain, Table mountain

*Also called "Rainbow nation" and "the cradle of humankind"

*Most inviting of reasons is the coastline running more than 2500 kms.

Volunteering Solutions. Volunteering Solutions has been guiding volunteers abroad for more than 7 years now. And many of our volunteers vouch for the safety and reliability that Volunteer Solutions provide. We have a number of other volunteering opportunities in South Africa. Child and Social Welfare, Teaching program, Sports development, and Healthcare. Surfing program is quite popular with sports enthusiasts who love indulging in their favorite water sport while helping someone out.

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